Trauma Stewardship
An Everyday Guide to Caring for Self While Caring for Others
A practical book that addresses compassion fatigue. The author, a trauma social worker and educator, helps others who work in the trauma field find balance and ways to sustain themselves. Readers are gently guided along a path of exploration, growth, hope and recovery.
Author: Laura Van Dernoot Lipsky
Year of Publishing: 2009
Number of Pages: 264
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jenny.berg (verified owner) –
I checked out the audio book from my public library when I was struggling with feeling down about a job that normally fills me with excitement. Being able to recognize that I was being affected by the trauma of those I was serving was helpful. Recognizing the signs of my own trauma and the tools offered to manage that trauma, helped bring me out of my funk. Now I want to read and make notes in a paper copy so that I can return to certain sections in the future.
AmyB (verified owner) –
This is a wonderful book for anyone who works in a field of caring for others. Learning to recognize the symptoms of compassion fatigue is the first step to learning (and using!) the tools you need to navigate your own ongoing trauma. 10/10 recommend.
Taylor Fullerton (verified owner) –
What an insightful book for anyone working as “helpers”. I recently returned to working in a setting where trauma is discussed frequently and found the authors’ advice very helpful in managing to keep my own stuff in check to continue to do what I love.
Nickm (verified owner) –
Amazing book for someone who works in the field of mental health, but relevant for anyone who needs to learn these important tools for self regulation. Extremely insightful!!
Firechild94 (verified owner) –
I really enjoyed this book. It helped me to learn how to recognize what trauma was affecting me.
Brandy Hess (verified owner) –
This is such a wonderful book! I work in Child Welfare and a lot of what this book talks about is so true! Compassion fatigue is something we all deal with.
kltruong (verified owner) –
Great book, very insightful. Going into the healthcare field it is important to recognize compassion fatigue and have tools to help support you, whether it is your own trauma or secondary trauma.
Marsha Hettman (verified owner) –
I gifted this book to my son as a tool for his work in crisis negotiation. This is such a wonderful book. Compassion fatigue is real, and this is an excellent read for folks working as helpers in crisis situations.
Savanna Rilatos (verified owner) –
such a great book.
Acleith (verified owner) –
With these kinds of books I find that it clicks with you…. or it doesn’t. Luckily, this one did. In my experience, when I’ve been taught to care for myself it was always in private… never about how to care for myself at work or in the community. This book is a nice reminder that no matter where you are… you simply cannot pour from an empty cup…. even at work or with others that you care for.
moriah (verified owner) –
This book is soo good. Realizing the amount of secondary trauma that I’ve collected, and how to heal and have better boundaries. Highly recommend.
Lance Chamberlain (verified owner) –
Fantastic read. Dr. Laura is an incredible author and human who understands trauma and care in ways that many of us don’t think about. Would definitely recommend this book, and any others by her!
Angela Graves (verified owner) –
Wonderful book for the helpers in the community. I enjoy sharing this one with others.
Araina Ault (verified owner) –
Loved this book. Truly helped my healing journey
AutumnJungling (verified owner) –
As an educator that works with high trauma students I found this book to powerful. I found myself highlighting many of the quotes and as I have young children myself I know I will refer back to this book as the years go on and my own children age. This is not a one and done book but one to read over and over to fully soak in the knowledge.
Heather Noble (verified owner) –
Very insightful on the impacts of trauma on people working in human services fields.
Nathan Shay (verified owner) –
Wonderful book. Highly recommended for anyone who works in the mental health field or any type of support role.
Adrienne Croskey (verified owner) –
Trauma Stewardship is a great book to understanding how frontline workers are affected by the trauma we hear on a daily basis. It also has chapters on how to build stronger walls and barriers when being a frontline worker who may be experiencing compassion fatigue or even our own depression and anxieties.
Sarah Bright (verified owner) –
So helpful for my life.
aparrott (verified owner) –
I’ve worked in Education for 12 years now. I’ve struggled with a love and passion for my work, but also burnout. This book is such a helpful tool with real applicable ideas and is well laid out with it’s blend of stories and strategies. I’m so grateful the author took the time to dive into the big topic of Trauma. Many of us really needed this to be exposed and given hope, which is what this book does!
brookedjackson (verified owner) –
This was a really smart book and I love the focus on intentionality.
allison verdries (verified owner) –
So thankful this book was available. As a person new to trauma informed care, I find myself needing resources to find peace of mind. This book offers a reality check and tools to regulate myself.
Melissa Sapp (verified owner) –
This is an excellent perspective.
htramnn (verified owner) –
I’ve attended the Trauma Stewardship conference before and this book just added to my collection of tools that I can use and continue to reflect on. Thank you!
Stephanie.annsummers.davis (verified owner) –
What a wonderful resource for those of us in fields of work where we have to confront our own secondary traumas. Recognizing when we’re feeling compassion fatigue and how to cope will enable us to continue this important work.
Megan Massey (verified owner) –
This spoke directly to the work that I do and how it has impacted my daily life-it’s a must read for those in the helping professions.
CV (verified owner) –
Having trauma-informed care embedded in my daily professional and personal life is sort of a norm for me. However, reading this book was such a good reminder for myself to ALSO care for me, myself and I while caring/providing for others.
breanna stoutenburgh (verified owner) –
I appreciated the candid and honest examples throughout the book on what burnout looks like for a variety of care providors.
madelinefulkerson (verified owner) –
As a school counselor, I loved reading this. This book is filled with helpful information for those working in helping professions.
Taylor Thorn (verified owner) –
Such a helpful tool to have when working in human services. I’ll be keeping this one at my desk!
KatiaPartida (verified owner) –
This was great book. Especially for those who work in social services. This is such a great book I highly recommend it.
RobynW (verified owner) –
Helpful for recognizing the signs of secondary trauma, realizing if existing trauma has led you to the work you’re doing, and seeing the impact of your trauma both on your work and on the people around you. Focused on people doing paid work, less valuable for volunteers, and the final section on how to fix it was less effective.
Jess_Note (verified owner) –
This book is a helpful guide for anyone dealing with trauma.
taylortl2006 (verified owner) –
This is a wonderful book, a must have if you are in any helping job. Being able to recognize what is going on internally is going to be a game changer. I have been in a helping job for almost 9 years, I wish I would have read this book sooner.
JGodden (verified owner) –
This book was helpful for learning skills in regulating myself before beginning my job of interviewing victims of abuse.
Rachel Schutz (verified owner) –
This is an incredible resource for preventing burnout and vicarious trauma in yourself and staff.
Elvie Pelayo (verified owner) –
WOW! I learned so much from this book! I especially found the 16 warning signs of trauma exposure response very informative. I will also be using the Five Directions as my compass! You’ve got to read this book!
Tamuli (verified owner) –
Excellent book. I was able to learn about my reasons for having a different approach to my life
Hannah Holzman (verified owner) –
Great book. Very helpful for my currently job.
Dawn Kriz (verified owner) –
This has excellent information for Early Childcare professionals who often put their needs last.
Amy Foote (verified owner) –
Wonderful book for anyone in the helping profession and folks who tend to be more empathic. It’s important to recognize signs of vicarious traumatization to avoid the impact.
Misty Sorte (verified owner) –
This book is a must read for those in the social services field.
Misty Sorte (verified owner) –
This book was recommended to me and I am do glad it was. It is such an important book for those who do hard work.
Jennifer Mierkey (verified owner) –
I got this book thinking that it would help me in the field I work in. What I found reading it was that I needed it to help deep wounds that I have endeared! I appreciate the research and kindness this book brought to my soul. I was able to understand the issues concerning this book, and I appreciate being able to read it.
CJ (verified owner) –
There has never been a more important time for all of us to follow Dernoot Lipsky’s sage advice!
Dena Burian Blacklaw (verified owner) –
Excellent book. Have referred to several sections few times.
Vjera T (verified owner) –
Many things I appreciated about this book. The thoughtful perspective on being present and deliberate to handle exposure to suffering. The diagrams on the inside covers. The funny illustrations bringing humor to a tough topic. The profiles giving first-person examples of the principles. The “try this” suggestions. Highly recommend if you are near people who are suffering and find yourself struggling or distancing.
Mallori Woodall (verified owner) –
Great book to help those struggling with work fatigue (specifically in jobs such as social work)
amiformica (verified owner) –
I appreciate this so much! An important topic, not talked about enough in our culture …
Rebecca Johnson (verified owner) –
Beautiful book. Helps to see your internal perspective might be damaged due to your experiences
soniairene (verified owner) –
This book is so helpful for those in a helping profession. Helps me reflect on and center my care while also being more available to those I’m working with.
Ashley Shoptaugh (verified owner) –
I am in a caregiving profession and found this book to be dense bur engaging and helpful.
tredurbin (verified owner) –
Resourceful! You will learn the warning signs of “Vicarious Trauma'” and ways to navigate through difficult times by creating space for yourself by balancing productivity and focus. Read and know this before burnout happens and your compassion and empathy are diminished. The on-topic comics spaced throughout are a refreshing touch.
Michele Wilson (verified owner) –
I work with trauma survivors and this book gave me practical skills to utilize for my own self care. I highly recommend this book to anyone seeking support, validation and tools to keep going on the helping journey.
Paige0007 (verified owner) –
I have enjoyed this as I have recently left a job and am needing a reset. It is insightful and I am gaining real skills toward recognizing when I am triggered or activated by something
Jessica Dawn (verified owner) –
Compassion fatigue is real and this is a wonderful, insightful book that helps recognize compassion fatigue and provides tools to help. Definitely a must read for anyone in a ‘helper’ role!
Kathy Franson (verified owner) –
Very helpful and engaging book. I learned a lot of new ways to work through trauma.
dollar (verified owner) –
Great book and website.
[email protected] (verified owner) –
Very grateful to have received this book. It is well written and is very useful for self care as well as extending care to clients with whom I work
koalajoe1 (verified owner) –
This book provides good insight for recognizing the signs of compassion fatigue and strategies for coping with it.
TayM (verified owner) –
A very helpful book.
Stephanie Roe (verified owner) –
Helped me learn a lot about my self and my trama.
Delilah Garza (verified owner) –
Amazing book – really helps us all feel connected in our work regardless of the discipline. Working in a “helping” profession is not easy and this book helps answer some of those questions on how to care for ourselves
[email protected] (verified owner) –
Such a great book! I was experiencing burnout and needed to learn more about how trauma impacts us in the helping profession.
little teapot (verified owner) –
This book helped me as a disabled trauma survivor empathize more deeply with those who I depend on in order to survive. I appreciated the perspectives shared within, although it was a difficult read at times because being a carer is something one can walk away from if they choose and being a survivor is not. I give it 4/5.
[email protected] (verified owner) –
I found this book to be insightful and helpful.
J (verified owner) –
I would recommend this book, especially for people with jobs that come with a lot of burnout and high stakes. I think it did a really good job of describing all the ways that trauma might impact our worldview and what we might think is our personality might really be symptoms of trauma. I do wish it went more in depth about the self-care part but it was still good overall.
Lilian Liang (verified owner) –
Very insightful and helpful book. I learned a lot
Lisa Thai (verified owner) –
Always a good reminder to take of yourself while taking care of others.
amandalhoffman (verified owner) –
So timely given the prevalence of trauma in society right now.
SMohler (verified owner) –
This book has been incredibly beneficial to me in many ways, not only as an educator, but as someone confronting their own childhood trauma as well. Highly recommend.
stormiautumn (verified owner) –
As someone who works with a large community affected by trauma both in our clientele and our staff, I found this to be a powerful to help identify and work through challenges and manuever the feelings of overwhelm.
egharrop (verified owner) –
This is such an important topic as so many of us in the helping professions experience burnout due to compassion fatigue and vicarious trauma.
Ellen Balkovec (verified owner) –
Wonderful book, thank you!
Destiny Viles (verified owner) –
Love it. 100%
Alyssa Nelson (verified owner) –
Provided tools to help manage and cope trauma and stress.
Jessica George (verified owner) –
This book is important for those of us in jobs where we experience and help others through their trauma.
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