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How to Make Your Community’s Economy Sizzle

A Handbook for Reshaping Your Entrepreneurial Ecosystem and Creating Jobs in the Process

This book will help you reshape your community’s entrepreneurial ecosystem. Author Jim Schell, an entrepreneur himself, covers how to build an environment for entrepreneurs to succeed and create jobs. You’ll learn how to find the right champion to lead the reshaping process and the six key elements of every successful ecosystem.

Author: Jim Schell
Year of Publishing: 2017
Number of Pages: 92

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  1. veronica (verified owner)

    Good reference book and to the point.

  2. Anne Bernard (verified owner)

    Great reference and useful for understanding communities like Bend.

  3. ANGELA MOLINA (verified owner)

    I’d love to see what it teaches the people who read it and want to collaborate.

  4. Shonna Edwards (verified owner)

    This book doesn’t have much fluff and gives great insight into smaller, more rural communities and how to be a positive impact on their economies. Living in Bend, I found this very useful, and impactful for my own small business I’ll be starting.

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